Since moving to Vancouver from Ireland two years ago, I've had many emails asking about life in this part of the world so I'm putting all I know onto this blog to help you with your plans. Scroll down to find more info on accommodation, neighbourhoods, rent, jobs, city information, traveling and general bits and pieces to do with Vancouver. Feel free to leave comments or questions and I'll get back to you.
Now get yourself over here.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Position available...

I've neglected this blog for quite a while mostly because I've been traveling in foreign parts.

I'm not even sure who reads this, but for the few souls that do happen across it from time to time, I thought I'd let you know that I'm moving back to Ireland (pause; re-read, think to yourself, "is she serious?"). As the mass exodus from Ireland continues, we're going back into the thick of it. As a famous adman once said, when the world zigs, zag.. Or something like that.

I will leave this blog up for a while in the hope that people find it useful or briefly entertaining or terribly offensive. Or, if anyone would like to take it over, let me know (the picture of the empty chair in my garden is a weak metaphor for me looking for someone to take over...) Or even if you just have some suggested topics or thoughts on any Vancouver related things that you might have liked to know about when you first moved here, I'd be happy to post them.

In the meantime, I've a few more things that I've thought of, now that the summer is here. Oh Vancouver summers, I will miss you. I hear its thunder and lightening in Dublin today.